Friday, April 17, 2009

Vote For Dollhouse

Watch With Kristin from E! Online has posted her annual save one show poll and Dollhouse is a candidate! Whenever you guys get a chance follow the link below to make Dollhouse the number one show. Although this may not directly cause for a renewal, it generally gets wide media coverage, so every little bit counts.

Later. JM.

*Special thanks to Kristin J. for bringing this to my attention*


  1. The link doesn't work when I click it, or copy it. I want to vote, I want to help!

  2. Thanks for all the tips on saving Dollhouse. I've posted my own ways to save the show also on my website ( in which this site is also linked.

  3. It's true, the link doesn't work anymore. Any new ideas?

  4. Yeah, that's pretty lame when the link to "save" something doesn't work.

  5. Well actually the reason the link no longer works is because voting for the poll has closed, not because I have the wrong link posted.
